Monday, September 8, 2008

The Word of God

The Bible is the infallible word of God but I disagree with some Christians who believe that The Bible is the only and complete word of God. That is to say, any other information source is to be held as suspect or disregarded. This claim comes from those who also profess to believe that the Bible is the absolute and inerrant Word. So, if the Bible is the Infallible word of God, as I believe it is, why do they make the above mentioned claim when it’s contrary to what the Bible actually says?

They are quick to point to the last few verses of Revelation. It warns us not to add or take away anything from what this book says but what book does John mean? At the time John wrote Revelation the Bible as we know it did not exist. Don’t take me wrong, it is advisable that no one should ever change a dot or a title to the book of Revelation or any of the others but it does not say anything there or anywhere else in Scripture that the Bible is the only and complete word of God. To say that puts a limitation on God’s ability to talk to us by any means he chooses. God has no limitations.

John wrote in John 21:25 that if all the things that Jesus did were written down that the world could scarcely contain the books. Are we to believe that whatever wasn’t written down about what Jesus said and did wasn’t God’s word?

We are taught that God speaks directly to the spirit of men through His Holy Spirit. The Bible gives many examples of God speaking directly to men in both the Old and New Testaments.
Consider Jacob - Gen. 46:2 Balaam - Num. 24:15, Moses - Exodus 6:10, Joshua - Joshua 1:1, Ananias - Acts 9:10 And Paul - Acts 18:9 just to name a few

God continues to speak directly to men today. In 1st Peter 4:11 it speaks about God’s calling of men to be ministers. Are we to believe that this type of calling is not God’s word to that individual and shouldn’t it be honored by others? God speaks to men not only through the Bible but also through visions, dreams, through the Holy Spirit and other messengers sent by God. If you are not getting these messages perhaps you need to examine your personal relationship with God. To get these messages you not only must be a Christian but you also need to be humbled and obedient before the Lord.

Psalms 19:1-2 New International
1. The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2. Day after day they pour fourth speech; night after night they display Knowledge.

Observing The Creation
The above verses are perhaps the most significant example of God’s word appearing outside of the Bible. It’s clear from this verse that anything we learn from God’s Creation is as much God’s Word as that which we read in the scriptures. History from the beginning of the age of discovery shows that Christians resisted this Bible truth. They started by disputing the fact that the Earth is round. This damnable position is still held against Christians today and we continue to cause science to hold the Bible in contempt because of our uninformed view of what the creation teaches us and what the Bible actually says. Many of these same early Christians are the same ones that initiated many of the false beliefs and odd practices that, unfortunately, many modern Christians adhere to.
God designed the laws of nature and we must give him the full credit by recognizing that His Word is in all of these things he created but it’s not to say that science always gets it right.

The Apocrypha
In the book of Daniel (Michael) a messenger sent from God said to Daniel in a vision concerning the future.

Daniel 12:4 King James
But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Have you seen anyone going to and fro lately? It’s only been in the last 100 years that vast numbers of people have been able to travel world wide at high speeds and our knowledge has increased exponentially. We are in the end time age that God’s messenger referred to and we are to receive the information that has been sealed up since the time of Daniel. Are we open to this information?

The name “Apocrypha” has been given to a number of books that were lumped together as having been excluded from the final draft of the Bible. Starting about 325 BC books that were deemed unfit to be included in the Bible became the object of mass book burnings. Most of these books were written in the 1st century or later and were the work of people who would pervert the teachings of the Apostles of Jesus and should have been left out of the Bible.

In my first book “The Creation Puzzle Solved” I went into detail about “The Book of Enoch”. Enoch was Noah’s great grandfather so anything he wrote had to precede any of the books in the Bible. I have studied this book and I find that It explains much concerning creation. Enoch predicts both the 1st and 2nd coming of the Messiah in terms that are often stated more clearly than what the Bible itself does. The Bible recognizes Enoch as a Profit (Jude 14) and it directly quotes his book many times. This book was known in the time of Jesus; otherwise, how could Jude have quoted it? The Book of Enoch has been considered sacred and meticulously copied along with the Bible by the Coptic Christian Church in Ethiopia for 2000 years.

I believe that this book is a part of the Word of God. I believe God has purposely kept it under wraps, so to speak, until recent times because this book would have been very hard for early Christians to understand. Fortunately, with increased knowledge this book can be understood today.

In the Introduction I mentioned that the Early profits left out details that were common knowledge at that time. The book of Enoch was known to the Profits and it wasn’t necessary to duplicate what was already written. The Book of Enoch was probably a type of Bible for believers who lived before the early Biblical Profits. Parts of Enoch have been found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Copies of my favorite translation by Richard Lawrence are available on the internet.

God is Sovereign
Who are we to decide for God what His Word is? God can communicate His Word by any means, anywhere and anytime he wants. Since the Bible does not tell us directly that it is the complete and only word of God then we do not have the authority to decide that it is. The Bible remains the most sacred and useful tool for all Christians and in our computer age it is in no danger of ever being changed.

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